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Fire Wood

Please join us in the upcoming workshops.

We continue to strive for everyone's personal growth and workshops are an ideal modality to build community and connection.

This page is updated as soon as workshops are curated.


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Personal Evolution Workshop

With Annie Blackstone & Tina Zimmer
Starting January 29


Part i is (7) consecutive Monday night classes: 6:30-9:00pm, January 29-March 11.
Part ii is (7) bi-weekly classes, continuing between March 18-June 10.


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth?

To step into a way of being that feels just out of reach?

Whether you have all the pieces but haven’t been able to make the shift

or are just beginning to realize what holds you back, this workshop
provides the supportive community + tools to take the steps needed for your personal evolution.

For the last 4 years, Annie has been refining this course. 

'Clearing the Way’ and 'Loving the Body’ were its first iterations. 

Those classes were geared toward identifying the stories and false belief systems that keep us

from truly loving ourselves and living without limits.

Annie’s own transformative experience with Tina and her work with 'Emotion Code' and 'Body Code', felt like
the missing piece of this course.

She asked Tina to join her in presenting The Personal Evolution workshop.

Tina brings her wealth of knowledge as a hypnotherapist-

providing Remote Emotion Code® sessions to everyone in the class

and discounts for those who'd like to take the work further.


By Tina joining Annie this year, Annie is now offering this transformational Personal Evolution Workshop.



The workshop is structured in two parts-

Part i:


From January-March we'll engage in interactive exercises and discussions, and practical techniques.

You'll gain valuable insights into what's holding you back and what your true strengths, passions, values, and beliefs are. Discover how to break free from limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and tap into your inner potential.


Part ii

From March-June, we'll work with our behaviors and actions to bring into fruition the best versions of who we truly are.

Focusing on how we move in the world- mentally physically and emotionally to create the life we desire most.
For those who would like to continue on after the first 7 classes of exploration we will offer the
chance to register for part two in March.

The limited size and friendly, inclusive atmosphere, our workshop offers a safe space for exploration and learning.

Whether you're seeking to enhance your career, improve your relationships,

boost your confidence, or find clarity and purpose...

Annie and Tina are here to help you every step of the way.

Our Personal Evolution Workshop is not just about acquiring knowledge: it's a hands-on experience that

encourages you to take inspired action towards realizing your dreams and achieving your goals.

Connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and be part of a
supportive community that celebrates personal growth.
By the end of the workshop, you'll leave with a renewed sense of Self-

armed with strategies and techniques to create lasting change in various areas of your life.

Whether it's igniting your passions, improving your relationships, or realizing your true purpose,

the possibilities for personal evolution are limitless.


Are you ready to take the first step towards becoming the best version of yourself?

Join us at the Personal Evolution Workshop and embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery.


It's time to unlock your full potential and create the life you dream of.








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